Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One day, God sent three politicians, Clinton, Ghandi and Mahatir to Heaven by mistake. So he told them, ‘I’ve sent the three of you here too early. You aren’t suppose to die yet. Therefore, I’m going to send you back down and before that, you can ask me a question that you want to know about.’

So, Clinton asked ‘When is America going to become big and busy and rich?’

God answered, ‘Another 50 years.’

Clinton wept and threw a tantrum.

God asked him his reason for his behavior and Clinton said, ‘I’m afraid I don’t have that long a life to see that.’

Next, Ghandi asked, ‘When is India going to be big and busy and rich?’

God answered, ‘Another 100 years.’ Ghandi reacted as Clinton did and gave the same reason for acting that way.

Lastly, Mahatir asked, ‘When is Malaysia going to be big and busy and rich?’

This time, God wept.


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